Piercings are cooler than ever right now, and rightly so, we are now in a time where we can choose to be adorned with individual and elegant jewels. But while they're classy, sophisticated and exciting, they also require a little sensible aftercare, specifically cleaning to help prevent infection. We will offer you a saline spray and written instructions to take home to use after your piercing, as well as book you a follow up appointment in three weeks’ time where we will monitor the progress of your new look and, if need be, shorten the post to compensate for the reduction of any swelling.
- In the first week or so a piercing, especially in the cartilage area can be a little sore. Please do not let this put you off cleaning it at least twice a day.
- Make sure you wash your hands before cleaning or touching your piercing.
- Put some regular Saline Water Solution onto the piercing and using a cotton bud gently wipe the area around the jewelry till it's dry.
- Do not move the jewelry for a couple of weeks as the buildup crust will refresh the wound.
- Even after it is healed, we recommend you still clean the piercing once a day.
- In the first 3 weeks please refrain from going swimming and visiting a steam or sauna. The water may lead to irritation or infection. Give your piercing some time to heal.
- Normal showering is fine, but please remember to clean your piercing afterwards, especially to dry it off.
- Do not play around with your piercing, try to leave it alone apart from cleaning times!
- Ointments and creams should be avoided due to spreading bacteria into your open piercing. If there is a mild infection, a natural tea tree oil solution or Peroxide should help clear it.
- Always contact us directly if you have any concerns about your healing.
- Avoid sleeping on the side where you got pierced, so the stem doesn't change its initial straight out position and affect the healing.
- You should always get pierced on one side first, and once it is healed you can move on to the other side. Getting pierced on both sides simultaneously will prolong the healing time and make sleeping difficult.
Remember, all good things come to those who wait! Be patient, some piercings can take a few months and up to a year to heal fully depending on your own body. Once it has healed then it is time to get adventurous and don those colours, crystals and chains!

- Please give your new piercings a minimum of 2-3 weeks of healing time before you resume your workout routine.
- Clean it twice a day as instructed by your piercer and keep it dry. Removing any excess buildup will inhibit any bacteria growth.
- Bring spare jewelry in case you lose your jewelry during a workout, as well as sterile saline wipes to ensure sweat and dirt won’t get your new piercing inflamed.
- Keep your hairs away from the piercings during any workout or sleep as it can get wrapped around the stem of your fresh piercing and pull.
- If you have to engage in any sports that can get your piercing snagged or ripped please remove it beforehand or simply tape it up. You can tape up your Surface, Facial or Belly Button piercing with medical tape or specialized tape from most sports stores.
- Do not get pierced on your lips, nose or any other part of your face if you’re doing boxing or martial arts.
- Choose simple Piercings for workout purpose and change it only if already healed.
- Do not remove your piercing for more than an hour before it’s properly healed, you may not be able to put it back in as cartilage can close very fast.
- Do notify your piercer immediately if a small keloid becomes big and your piercing ball or attachment is embedded.
Keloid scars are usually genetic and Keloid Scarring is actually a medical condition that causes excess scar tissue to build up above the skin and continue to enlarge and cover more surface area as time goes on. Keloid scars can be extremely itchy, and be painful if any pressure is placed on them.
These particular scars/bumps usually need to removed by your GP or in extreme cases a plastic surgeon, as they will not go away on their own.
It is a very rare occasion that a new piercing produces a Keloid scar, unless the client is predisposed to that genetic quality.
Aka : The dreaded piercing bump.
These particular bumps are very common and surprisingly easy to heal!
They can occur on almost any piercing, however they are more commonly found on cartilage based piercings for example - Nostril Piercings. Hypertrophic bumps are filled with fluid, dead skin cells and other wound debris that can become trapped by a multitude of reasons, such as:
Lack of aftercare, incorrect aftercare, mucous covering the drainage point if inside the nose, sleeping on your fresh piercing, catching or bumping your healing piercing by accident etc etc.
They are not a firm bump and feel rather soft and fleshy to touch. And they can also fluctuate in size after an aftercare soak.
Hypertrophic bumps indicate that the piercing wound is unable to drain and need some extra care.
These bumps occuring do not mean that your piercing was performed incorrectly, your piercing is infected or that you are allergic to the metal used in the procedure. We suggest contacting your Body Piercer and booking a check up appointment if a bump starts to grow so they can determine the best form of treatment for you.
Say NO to Numbing Creams
- A good piercer will always do their best to make sure the client is comfortable, and the piercing is done in seconds.
- Numbing creams contain lidocaine and Vasoconstrictors, this contributes to the numbing process by constricting the blood vessels.
- The skin shifts and moves, which means the piercing can’t be done perfectly straight.
- Once the numbing wears off, the skin relaxes, and piercing may be crooked.
- Topical numbing creams are designed to numb only the top few layers of the skin and don't reach or treat deep enough to effectively numb.
- Numbing creams are more used for tattooing, cosmetic injections, and procedures .
- Creams and sprays aren’t designed for the nature of body piercings.
- Body piercers are not trained in anaesthetics.